Check out "Notebooks 101 for SQL People" presented by Julie Koesmarno and "Azure Data Studio - Above and Beyond" presented by Warwick Rudd at Scottish Summit on 27 Feb 2021.
Using Azure Data Studio to do cross-cluster and cross-service querying with ADX
This blog post covers examples of cross-cluster and cross-service querying, including handy syntax, code snippets and notebooks that you can use in Azure Data Studio.
In this blog post, I'm going to go through a popular way of connecting to a Log Analytics workspace with Kqlmagic, - i.e. using Azure Active Directory Login authentication.
Q&A on Azure Data Lake Analytics and U-SQL at SQL Saturday Melbourne (Feb 11, 2017)
I am very honored and humbled that this morning I'll be demoing Big Cognition at PASS Summit 2016 Keynote.
HDInsight: Hadoop command line
Hadoop commands can be useful to manage Windows Azure blob storage with HDInsight cluster. This "In A Jiffy" post outlines where to execute these commands.