At the beginning of this year, I have decided to have a look through some videos, demos and tutoials on Business Intelligence, particularly on what Microsoft has to offer.

Rafal Lukawiecki has done a fantastic work in summarising and presenting Business Intelligence and its application to any organisation (i.e. for revenue-driven and non-revenue driven organisation), n who is interested in improving their performance, This presentation was recorded live at the Stockholm Business Intelligence Conference on 21 April 2009. The technology used are a little outdated now, i.e. Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Sharepoint 2007 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008. However, the concept presented is truly worth the time, especially for emerging BI professionals and Business Users.

The presentation has been divided into 4 comprehensive sessions, each with enough information to understand the concept at high level allowing for viewers to research it further to master it.

Session 1: Improving Insight and Decision Making Using Microsoft Business Intelligence and SQL Server 2008

Session 2: Delivering Business Intelligence through Microsoft Office 2007

Session 3: Aggregating Knowledge in Data Warehouse and Multidimensional Analysis (+ additional breakouts for Public Sector, BI for Sales, Executive BI)

Session 4: Finding Hidden Intelligence with Predictive Anaysis of Data Mining

I hope when Denali comes out, we will be lucky to have Rafal presenting a similar session with Micrrosoft’s new BI stack.

Special thanks to Rafal Lukawiecki for the presentation and Channel 9 MSDN for facilitating the video streaming!

3 Responses

  1. I liked your website very much and the the way you reached to success, i want to follow the same as i like sql server very much ,
    I visited this page and found no content may i get it on my email or when should i be back here?

    Anyway very nice website.

    • Hi Bhanu,

      I’m glad to hear your feedback about my website. Apologies for the delayed reply here.

      You are correct, the video contents were previously provided by Channel 9 and have since been removed. If I come across similar content with upgraded version, I will post it on my blog which you can subscribe to from the home page.

      Thank you and good luck with your SQL Server / BI journey!

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