Curious about how SQL people can use Notebooks? Have you heard of Azure Data Studio and wondered if it would work for SQL Server and other Azure services?

Register at Scottish Summit for free now. The full schedule is here: Scottish Summit 2021 Sessions, which displays the time in your timezone ๐Ÿ™‚

Notebooks 101 for SQL People

I’m very thrilled to present “Notebooks 101 for SQL People” at Scottish Summit on 27 Feb 2021 at 7am PST / 10 am EST / 3pm GMT.

Are you a database developer, a DBA or a data analyst? Do you find spending quite a bit of time trying to reproduce analysis or reproduce issues and the troubleshooting techniques? This Notebooks 101 session is for you!

The lack of rigor in being able to reproduce analysis in business context or to reproduce data troubleshooting can lead to confusion and time wasted on work that had been previously done. With Notebooks, Data Professionals can share their techniques and data sources used for the data analysis or troubleshooting for code review and reproducible insights/troubleshooting.

Azure Data Studio Notebooks support SQL and KQL natively with intellisense; with easy to use charting capabilities. With Notebooks and Jupyter Book (collection of Notebooks) in Azure Data Studio, itโ€™s also easy now for your team to build an onboarding guide (user manual) / documentation on data sources, useful sample scripts and tutorials.

Hope to see you there! ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

Julie Koesmarno speaking at Scottish Summit on 27 Feb 2021 at 7am on Notebooks 101 for SQL People. Register at
Scottish Summit 2021 – Notebooks for SQL People

Azure Data Studio โ€“ Above and Beyond

Warwick Rudd (t | w) is presenting on Azure Data Studio – Above and Beyond on 27 Feb 2021 at 9 am PST / 12 am EST / 5pm GMT.

The data platform environment is exploding so quickly and as a data platform professional how can you be productive and able to support your environments easily?

In this session Warwick will introduce you to Azure Data Studio and take you on a demo rich journey on how, when, where and why Azure Data Studio can make your life easier in supporting your ever expanding data estate.

If you have not heard of or seen Azure Data Studio before, Warwick will introduce the tool, itโ€™s history and introduce you to its continual enhancements to assist you.

Warwick Rudd presenting Azure Data Studio Above and Beyond at Scottish Summit 2021. Register for free at
Scottish Summit 2021 – Azure Data Studio Above and Beyond


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