
My name is Julie Koesmarno. I currently work in the SQL Tools and Experiences team at Microsoft, as a a Principal Program Manager. It’s been an enormous opportunity for me to grow and sharpen my craft in a Program Management role at Microsoft, from my past consultant role.

These days, I work with my team mates to create, innovate and advocate modern data experiences in Azure Data Studio. This includes using notebooks in various scenarios, especially incident response.

Previously a former SQL Server MVP and hold Microsoft Certified Solution Expert certifications: in Data Platform and in Business Intelligence for SQL Server 2014, “bringing meaning to data and insights” continue to be my mission. Thanks for visiting my blog! Below is a little bit more about me. You can also follow me @MsSQLGirl on Twitter and on LinkedIn.

Work Experience

I have worked on high profile database system implementations using SQL Server since 2004. These database solutions were custom implementations for Telecommunication, Finance and internet companies with Australia and international presence.

In addition, I have also worked with different types of database, from MySQL, Oracle to Microsoft SQL Server. The latter being my favourite which I have spent a great deal amount of time implementing data management, data staging and data cleansing systems.  I enjoy working with Data, from data analysis, database design to data visualisation.

I have worked as an independent consultant, specialising in the SQL Server and BI space, surrounded by a network of talented and passionate friends and SQL Server/BI professionals, globally. I have moved from one country to another, to pursue my life long passion, travelling and working with data (and I mean, lots of DATA!).

In 2015, I decided to take a leap of faith, and moved to USA to work at Microsoft. I wanted to explore the other side of world of data, so I joined the Business Analytics team for the SQL team. I led a Big Data Analytics end-to-end solution from data collection all the way to producing analytics to drive business / production decisions, including the data governance and policies, including GDPR and more.

Just before Christmas 2019, I had the opportunity to shift gear to work closer with SQL and Data users by joining the SQL Tools and Experiences team. In 2020, you’d see my talks on various Data conferences on Jupyter Notebooks, KQL and Azure Data Studio.


A very good friend of mine, Victor Isakov, was the first #SQLFamily member that I met. He opened my mind about SQL Server and introduced me to the life of SQL Server early 2011. We presented together at Sydney SQL User Group in September 2011.

Since then, I have been active in PASS (Professional Association of SQL Server) as a volunteer and a presenter for local as well as international events. For local events, I have presented at Sydney SQL User Group, SQL Saturdays and virtual chapters.  At international level, I have presented at SQL Rally in Dallas 2012, PASS Summit 2011PASS Summit 2012, PASS Summit 2013PASS Summit 2014 and SQL Bits XII.

I have learnt so much and am still learning from SQL Community – #SQLFamily. So this blog is one of my ways of sharing my knowledge and helping out the community.


Silly SQL SelfieTwo of my favourite things are learning and story telling (sharing knowledge). The two go together quite well, along with my passion for travelling.  This site is my new way of learning and sharing knowledge, tips+tricks and experiences in my data and insights quest, SQL Server, database design, data visualisation and Business Intelligence. Ultimately this is my journey as Ms SQL Girl (in addition to having fun and being silly along the way!)

“Take a leap of faith, life has interesting ways of unraveling itself”

Photo taken at Westlake Village, CA

17 Responses

  1. J says:

    I live in the U.S. and have taken a few B.I. courses, which I find very interesting. However, I do not work in B.I. so I pay for these out of pocket.

    Is there a cost effective way to learn SQL Server?

  2. Tanmay says:

    how can i follow you on twitter??

  3. Arif says:

    I liked your blogs. Is there a way when you write a new blog, I can get notifcation some how.


  4. John says:

    Hi, I am an upcoming database architect specializing in database solution end-end design, applicaiton integration solution development and Data Continuity architecture.

    I am also a Windows System Architect (HW and SW) and Application Virtualization and Integration Architect

    I have a new blog that has been under development for a long time but i haven’t had enough time to complete it but i would love for you guys to drop in whenever you’d like to and drop your thoughts into my suggestions box (a.k.a please leave a comment)

    The name of the blog is DB Resolve (Naive i know)
    the link to blog is : http://geekswithblogs.net/thedatabaseguy/Default.aspx

    Please use elastic layout for best view and please dont mind if the place is a lil messy right now .. it is still under development.

    Thanks for the help.

  5. Chris Shayan says:


    I liked your career growth. Keep it up.

  6. Jen Osorio says:

    Hi Julie,

    I’m so glad and thankful for your kindhearted in supporting the very first SQLSaturday Philippines! Actually, I’m a good friend of Edwin Sarmiento. I’ve been in PASS Summit 2012 and also seen your presentation. Great job!

    From there, I’m starting to follow all your footsteps!!


    • Hi Jen,

      The pleasure is mine. The enthusiasm of the Philippines SQL community is really moving.

      Hopefully I can visit you and present on BI topics. I saw one spot left at 3PM (and there was no BI topic); I wish I could do something about that!

      Hope your session and the rest of SQL Saturday 218 go well.

      Look forward to hearing more stories from you and seeing you at PASS Summit 2013.

      Kind regards,

  7. […] and with their readers: Mickey Stuewe from California, USA, Chris Yates from Kentucky, USA, Julie Koesmarno from Canberra, Australia, and Jeffrey Verheul from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. They invite you […]

  8. Paul Harper says:

    Actually i received an email about a Business Intelligence session next week Nov 26. from your email and went to check out your site. It seems to be a very good resource so far and will be utilizing it quite a bit as i try and find my way into the BI side of Sql Server. I really like your story and look forward to following your continued journey. I hope you don’t mind if i tag online.

  9. Ivone says:

    Hi Julie,
    nice to know you from your Blog,
    I am from Indonesia, and your name seems like that you are from Indonesia.

  10. Thank you.
    very useful.

  11. Andrew says:

    Hi Julie. I really enjoy your website. I am a former Oracle Consultant in the Database and BI space and have been working with Microsoft products for the last 4 years and are really enjoying the rapid advancements recently.

    One bug bear I have with the Tabular models is the metadata in the model is not exposed when accessing the model as a pivot table in Excel 2013. Am I missing something, is this feature available in Excel 2016. The metadata appears when using Power View and Power BI. Can it be exposed in Excel 2013, and is it exposed in Excel 2016?



    • Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for the feedback.

      Tabular Model should be accessible from both Excel 2013 and Excel 2016. I don’t think I have heard of issues where the Tabular Model metadata is not exposed in Excel (Pivot Table) – in fact the whole “self-service” BI story when Tabular Model was introduced back in SQL 2012 was so that users can use familiar tools such as Excel (Pivot Table) to explore data this way. If you have more details on where it claims that the metadata in the Tabular model is not exposed in Excel, please let me know.

      To get connected to Tabular Model, in Excel, you will need to go to Data > Get External Data > From Other Sources > From Analysis Services. Then provide the server details, credential and choose which tabular database you want to connect to. Follow the rest of the steps. Then you will be prompted how you want to view the data, i.e. as Pivot Table, Power View report, etc. Step-by-step instruction is available in my most recent blog post: Analyzing Tabular Model in Excel 2016.

      Let me know how you go with it.


  12. […] since I wrote an article on Tabular Model. This week, one of my good readers, Andrew posted me a question. In this article, I want to show you how to connect to your Tabular Model database and use it as […]

  13. Albert says:

    Hello Ms. Julie,
    I was searching for additional info on ssis>variables>expressions and found your presentation ’10 Handy Tips on SQL Server Dates’ 25 April 2015 to be an excellent resource for the time fractured world of data.

    Thank you for publishing it. I started following your blog by email.

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